Details to Remember to Bring For Your Wedding

Franklin Tennessee Wedding Photographer // Nashville Wedding Photographer

There are so many things that go in to wedding planning, and there are little details that a lot of times are overlooked. These details may not seem like a big deal, but they make a huge difference in detail shots! If you have been following this blog at all, you know how much I love detail shots! These are just a few things that I suggest to bring on your wedding day to make your detail shots absolutely stunning!

Ring Box

Bring a ring box for the rings, especially for your engagement ring! If you can get a beautiful ring box that separates into two parts, do it! These ring boxes are absolutely gorgeous and are perfect for detail shots. And I mean, after your wedding, it will also be perfect for Instagram photos of your ring.


Those plastic are never pretty for your gorgeous wedding dress. I always bring a wooden hanger with me, but getting a custom one or a beautiful metal one is also a great option! Your photographer will take hanging shots of your dress, so you want to make sure you have a beautiful hanger to go with your beautiful dress!

Wedding Invitation

Your wedding innovation is a the first thing your guests see of your wedding day, so make sure you bring it with you for your photographer to capture! It also creates a beautiful background for your rings! It’s a part of your day so you want to make sure that it is photographed!

Are there any other details you would suggest to brides to bring with them to weddings?

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