How to Create An Instagram People Obsess Over

How to Create An Instagram People Obsess Over // Nashville Business Photographer

We all have a list of Instagram accounts that we are obsessed with, right? Do you know what they all have in common? Visual consistency. Okay, I know, that is my design degree coming out in me so let me tell you what that means. Visual consistency basically means your Instagram looks uniform and organized. Every brand has their “style” that makes them recognizable. For example, if you see a photo from Apple, you automatically know it is from them because their images are very uniform. 

Now, you may be asking, how do I do this? How do I create a brand and an Instagram that have people swooning? Well here are five tips to create a killer Instagram!

Similar Colors

Brands should have a color that you are automatically able to link to that brand. For example, we all know the color “Tiffany blue”, thanks to the incredible branding of the company. Well not only does this apply to branding itself, but also the photos for the brand. You should always edit your photos the same. Don’t use different filters on every post, because it doesn’t create consistency. Now, Instagram doesn’t have the best filters. There are many presets available for sale that can be used in the free Lightroom app to help create this consistency. I would highly recommend investing (I promise they aren’t expensive!) in a preset to use!

Images That Reflect Your Branding

Your visual images (whether this is on your website or on your Instagram) should reflect your brand. People shouldn’t have to guess what your business is. In the photography world, we tend to say “share what you want to shoot”, but this idea reaches far beyond just photography. Show what your business is or what you want it to be. Do you want to create a boho clothing brand? Then show us that! With this, your images should also reflect your logo. Everything should be cohesive and create a story with your brand.

Consistent Tone

I don’t mean the tone of images when I say this. I mean the tone of your voice. If you are super professional on one platform or one post, and then super fun and acting like a friend in the next post, it becomes confusing to your audience. Different tones in your voice reaches different audiences. Oh and if you think people don’t read Instagram captions, think again. Instagram captions are super important and give you an opportunity to interact with your audience.

Reach Your Ideal Client

Okay, think about your ideal client. Where do they shop? What do they do on their days off? What is their occupation? What is important to your ideal client. These things are super important when planning what to put in your Instagram and how to create an Instagram that people obsess over. You want to know who you are trying to reach and why you are what they need in their life. What is going to catch their eye, read your caption, and reach out to you?

Plan Your Feed

This may seem a bit obsessive, but I promise, it will pay off. There are a few things you need to ask yourself. Are you going to use all photos? Or are you going to use graphics too? Are you going to post black and white photos? If you are, how often? These are just a few of the questions you need to ask yourself when planning your Instagram feed. If your feed is planned, it shows organization and professionalism in your business.