Guest Book Ideas For Your Nashville Wedding

Today we are talking about different guest book ideas! So the traditional guest book is kind of outdated and people don't typically use it anymore. So I wanted to give you some unique ideas you could use for a guest book for your wedding.

Engagement Album

The first one I want to talk about is doing an album of your engagement session. If you leave some white space around the photos you can have guests write in those areas. This way they can also see all of your engagement session photos and really take it in and enjoy them. A lot of times you'll just see like a few on Facebook this way they can really see all the photos and like relive that moment with the two of you.

Globe or Home Decor

The next one I want to talk about is doing like a globe or another piece of like home decor that you guys can have and see every day. So what I love about the globe is it's big enough for you guys to have a bunch of guests write all over it, but it's also a great piece that doesn't have to hang on your wall and see messy signatures all over. It’s definitely a great bookshelf piece that you can spin around and look at every day.

Phone Recording

The third option I want to tell you guys about is doing a phone recording. So there are companies now who use old rotary phones, your guests pick up the phone, and leave a message for the couple to listen to later. This way the couple can hear your voice and hear what you have to say over and over, for years to come. I love this option and I think it's super unique and a lot of times like you'll get to hear like voices from grandparents and things like that, so it creates the sweetest memories.

Photo Booth and Album

Another option is to have a photo booth and put together a an album with the photos from the photo booth. That way you can see everybody who was there, how they were dressed, and that they're having a good time. I think this is a great option and a really fun option.

Date Night Jar

A fifth idea would be to do like a jar that has date night ideas on it. Everybody leaves like a piece of paper or a popsicle stick with their date night ideas. This way, you guys can go through the dates for years to come and see what each of your guests have to say and see their suggestion for you guys to do for date night.


Another option is to do a typewriter and have everybody leave a message on a typewriter. You get a big long note, and you can like break it up and put it in a scrapbook for you to enjoy for years to come. But it's kind of old school and really great way to have notes from everyone you can actually read.

Jenga Blocks or Corn Hole Boards

The last idea I have for you guys is to do either Jenga blocks or cornhole boards. Everybody can write a message on Jenga block and that way when you guys play, you know for years to come you see all these loving messages from family and friends. Same thing with cornhole! It's a great idea to have and see the sweet messages every time you play! I would just make sure for both of these that you put some sort of sealant on the boards and blocks so you don’t lose the messages over time.

I hope this helped you pick a unique idea for your guest book!

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